Showing posts with label Finn blogger jailed for insulting muslims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finn blogger jailed for insulting muslims. Show all posts

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Finnish Seppo Lehto is worldwide known as challenger of muslim and islam terrorists and Moon God worshippers

Do something before it is too late in front of islamistics

Toimikaa ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä. Islamin vaara yhteiskunnallemme on tunnustettava. 

Vaara on yhtä iso kuin miehittäjä-Ryssän valtapyyteiden hyväksymisessä Tarton rauhan rajat takaisin!.



11th June 2008
Religious Hatred...

Finn blogger jailed for insulting muslims

Seppo Lehto at workFinnish blogger Seppo Lehto was sentenced to a jail term of two years and four months + including 3 months previously suspended for another false "offence" against criminal attacker from Ivory Coast (Black Africa).
Lehto was charged with nine counts of gross defamation, inciting ethnic hatred and inciting religious hatred.
The sentence is by far the harshest sentence ever for a “Freedom of Speech crime” in Finnish legal history.
Outside Finland Lehto is perhaps best known from his Youtube video, in which he draws a cartoon of muslim prophet Muhammad. The video was withdrawn from Youtube but has later been republished there as well as in other online video sites.
However, in his home country he has become notorious for his numerous ‘filth blogs’ containing explicit racist insults illustrated with manipulated pornographic images and Patrioottiradio podcast radio site, which he used to hurl racist insults to politicians, civil servants and members of ethnic and religious minorities.
The filth blogs are located in Blogger meaning that so far it has been very difficult for Finnish authorities to establish the perpetrator. Lehto has stubbornly denied his involvement with the blogs and continued to do so during the trial.

Lehto has been an Finland’s number one internet pest for years and it is very hard to feel sympathy for him based on the content of his numerous filth blogs. It is possible that he is the main reason behind former Minority Ombudsman Mikko Puumalainen’s jihad against racism in the internet and Mika Illman’s aggressive prosecution in cases involving the internet. Conviction of Lehto is perhaps Illman’s biggest coup to date and has provoked cheers from members of Finnish political elite. Former Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja expressed his satisfaction about the verdict in his website.

What has made some people suspicious, is the fact that he managed to include the charge of ethnic and religious hatred in the trial. The successful conviction of Lehto for inciting religious hatred may lead to prosecution of other bloggers publishing material deemed offensive to muslims.

As far as I know this was the first time anybody was convicted for insulting muslim religious feelings in Finland. Lehto was convicted for displaying rude images of islamic prophet Muhammad and Allah having sexual intercourse with a pig. The pictures were not created by Lehto or his associate but they had found them from another website and included them in their blog.

So far it is not yet clear if Lehto will appeal. The Appeals court will probably reduce the sentence but Lehto will find it hard to avoid doing jail time.

For inciting religious hatred (or disturbing religious worship may be a better translation) the maximum penalty is six months. For the other two crimes (inciting ethnic hatred and 9 counts of gross defamation) the maximum penalty is two years.


Hyvä on tietää ketkä ovat Seppo Lehdon vainon takana: Demla eli maamme stalinistiset lakimiehet, jotka taustaltaan ja lähtöarvoiltaan maamme mätäpaiseita


Myanmarin eli Burman marttyyrien sivusto vittuilee Seppo Lehtoa käyttäen muslimeille oheiseen tapaan:

